Casio TC-500 - Francis WEB

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Casio TC-500

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The CASIO TC-500 was advertised as the first Touch Screen watch. I didn't verify this fact, but you must admit that there wasn't too many touch screen watches in 1983 !!!

The 2 pictures above show the watch in normal mode, with the time, and then in Calculator mode.
To punch the numbers, simply use the screen and put your finger in the general area where the number is. It's amazing that it even works with my big fat fingers.
The operations are on the bottom.
Don't expect too many scientific functions, it was already impressive to get a watch, a calculator, and a touch screen function in a watch that small.

Here is an ad from Popular Science of 1983, showing this watch:

The watch cost
$79 at that time.
Remember that 1983 was also the beginning of the personal computers and the cost of living was way cheaper:
- 20 cents for a stamp
- $1.24 for a gallon of gas

The video below is a small demo about the watch

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