Calculateur et Cassettes - Francis WEB

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Calculateur et Cassettes

Musée virtuel > Les plus récents: LCD (cristaux liquides)

Thanks to the creativity of all these inventors, the calculator has been combined with many different devices. I already mentionned a calcu-pen (calculator and pen), Calcu-lighter (calculator and cigarette lighter), but we also had Calculator+tape recorder, calculator+abacus, calculator+sliderule , calculator+belt buckle, calculator+pencilcase , calculator+mousepad, calculator+radio, etc.
The combinations are infinite (or almost infinite, if that means anything...)

Let's talk about the Calculator + recorder.

Before the cell phone, which is now able to do almost everything, it was a good idea to combine several functions, to unclutter the office desk. Why not combining the calculator and the voice recorder?
A few constructors proposed similar models:

The irony is that Bellevoix in french means: nice voice.
This one uses a mini-cassette and the calculator has the basic 4 functions, the percent (for the taxes, I guess), plus a couple of memories. However, it has also a clock, with an alarm.

Different model

On this one, the same calculator functions, clock alarm, but the cassette is located on the other side.


No more clock function.


Again, no more clock or alarm function.

This one has the calculator on one side, and the micro-cassette on the other side. This makes it a little less long, but thicker.

There is a short video at the bottom of this page to illustrate how to use this device.

Recently saw one from
HANIMEX : MCD38 . This one is using a VFD display.

And found also this one from
ROYAL (LITTON) : Memocalc

I am sure there are more examples, but I just wanted to share the ones I was able to purchase (except the Hanimex and Royal, for now...).

persons were curious about these devices, since August 2015
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